Dog bites are a very serious issue no matter how many parties are involved or how the bite came into being. In San Diego, there are several laws in place that hold owners accountable for their dogs if their dogs deliver injury to another person. This holds true in most places.
For example, one case involves a boy who ended up with serious “soft tissue injuries” to the face after being attacked by a dog in his own home. The dog is believed to be a pit bull mix, and he did not belong to the family of the boy. Because of this, several people are facing charges for the potential damage. These charges could run upwards of $10,000 in fines, depending on the court decision.
The people who are being charged include the dog’s owners as well as the person who was watching the dog at the time of the attack. It is unknown what provoked the attack. The dog is currently in custody of the animal and bylaw services and will be there for 10 days. The dog will also undergo an assessment to determine whether its behavior is good enough to allow it to be released back to its owners.
Dog attacks can happen for a multitude of reasons, but at the end of the day, the most important thing is for the victim to get the compensation they deserve for the physical and potentially emotional or mental damage they may be facing. Anyone dealing with dog bites may wish to contact an attorney for that reason.
Source: Global News, “2 charged after Calgary boy suffers serious dog bite to his face,” Erika Tucker, Sep 2, 2015